One bottle of 8 oz AroJuice daily will give you more Natural Antioxidants + Soluble Fiber than eating 1,000 blueberries. That is 3x more antioxidants compared to leading brands of elderberry, cherry, and pomegranate juice, while reducing 50% Sugar (Each bottle contains less natural sugar than half apple). AroJuice was voted as the BEST TASTING aronia berry juice by consumers.
* These statements are based on existing scientific studies, but have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.
This may reduce the risk of heart disease (e.g., clinical trial Am J Clin Nutr 2019;110:316–329), diabetes (e.g., clinical trial J Appl Biomed 2019;17:218-224), and some types of cancer (e.g., Mol Carcinog 2018;57:1467-1479).
AroJuice is an effective and safe food therapy for constipation (e.g., clinical trial Am J Gastroenterol 2022; 1714-1717).
This may support gut health (e.g., clinical trial Clin Nutr2022;41:2549-2561).
AroJuice rich in Antioxidants (Polyphenols, Vitamin C), and may speed up sports recovery. In fact, (e.g., clinical trial Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2020;45:393-400)
AroJuice is rich in Antioxidants (Polyphenols, Vitamin C) + Soluble Dietary Fiber, which may enhance immunity (e.g., Curr Opin Food Sci 2020;32:149-155).
AroJuice rich in Antioxidants (Anthocyanins), and may protect against cognitive decline (e.g., clinical trial Nutrients 2020 17;12:2475).
AroJuice rich in Antioxidants (Polyphenols, Vitamin C), and may delay the cellular senescence, and so slow the skin’s aging (e.g., Int J Mol Sci. 2021; 22: 12641).
Contact your local grocery store to request they carry AroJuice!
We created an innovative process using a healthy ingredient technology (dietary fiber) to encapsulate antioxidants and a high-pressure processing (HPP) to kill microbes in products at cold temperature. This patent pending green process greatly improves the taste and nutrition of the A+ Berry Aronia juice.